Office Timing:

Mon - Sat: 08:00 - 17:00

Phone No:

+263(4)885980 /884676

Bricks ‘R’ Us Private Limited was incorporated on the 22nd of November 2007. The company is 100% locally owned and started operating in July 2008. The company’s vision is to be among the industry leaders in the production, marketing, and distribution of concrete precast products in Zimbabwe. Whether one is looking to add some old world charm to a patio, or contemporary flare to a walkway, Bricks R Us offers a variety of concrete products including but not limited to bricks, blocks, various paver designs, paving slabs, wall and column copings, and more. We can help create an eye-catching walkway, patio or driveway. Our pavers come in a number of styles, shapes and colour tones to help add the right personality and charm to transform outdoor living spaces. In addition to style, concrete pavers are designed to be strong, durable and environmentally friendly ensuring the driveway or patio will stand the test of time. Bricks R Us boasts of the largest variety of paver designs in Zimbabwe.

In pursuit of its vision and fulfillment of its mission in its conduct, the company observes the following values;


Honesty and transparency


Living up to commitments


Rewarding creativity and taking initiative


 Encouraging team participation and collaboration


Open communication and willingness for debate and consultation


Upholding employees’ values